Friday, June 10, 2005


Okay, so I'm considering undergoing Lasik. Years ago, I was adamant about never having the surgery done because the idea of messing with my eyes wasn't too appealing. I mean, this is my eyesight. If something goes wrong, this is a major thing to lose. But then I started meeting people who had had it done and it started me thinking...maybe I should just do it. I mean, I'm chained to my contacts/glasses right now. Summers suck because I can't go in the water without fear of losing a contact. I can't spontaneously decide to do anything involving staying overnight because I can't sleep in my contacts and if I don't have solution, I can't take them out. Toward the end of every day my eyes are so dry and irritated from my lenses that I feel tired when I'm actually not. Bars are a nightmare because the smoke aggrevates the lenses. Plus, contacts never really corrected my vision as well as glasses simply because they're designed to move on my eye and after every blink, they have to re-adjust which creates blurry spots that leave me squinting to see half the time. Oh, and have you ever gotten an eyelash trapped under a contact lens? Talk about pain. Eye-watering pain as the tiny, little eyelash stabs your eye repeatedly as you frantically try to blink or rub it out. I could definitely live without that experience.

So, anyway, two of the people I know who have had lasik done (or some sort of vision correction surgery) had it done years ago. So, I start to think...I've been waiting and waiting and waiting for the procedure to be "perfected" before I really consider doing it but these people had it done way back before it was as good as it is now and they're fine! They no longer need glasses or contacts and one person even described it as the best thing he's ever done. Plus, I've been reading a lot on the subject and feel more comfortable with all the different types of procedures and such so I feel like I know what I'm getting myself into.

Step 1: On the website for Millennium Laser Eye Center is an online diagnostic tool. You fill out this information and they tell you if you could be a candidate for Lasik. Well, I did it, and, of course, it said that it seems like I'm a good candidate but that what I need to do (obviously) is come in for a free consultation with the doctor. I start to think about it. Well, a few days later, I get this e-mail from someone at MLEC thanking me for taking the online consulation and reminding me that the next step would be to come in for the consultation with the doctor. So, I e-mail back a few questions that I have and I still keep thinking about it. I get another e-mail from MLEC with answers to my questions and another reminder that I should come in for a consultation with the doctor to get a better understanding of what I qualify for and whether or not Lasik is right for me. So, I finally decide...I'm going to do this.


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