Friday, April 01, 2005

When will I ever learn?

Damn it! I lost again! I worked my way up from the middle of the pack in our NCAA basketball pool and when stupid-ass Kentucky couldn't make a basket in DOUBLE OVERTIME to save their lives, they ruined my chances of winning!!!!! Now, if Illinois wins, my stupid sister wins the money. If North Carolina wins, one of the 3 people that has them picked to win will come out $230 richer. Why can't I ever catch a break?! What's WORSE is...I'M the one that invited my sister INTO the pool in the first place! If she wasn't involved, I'd be the only one in a position to win if Illinois could pull it out (but to be honest, I really think NC will win...I've seen them play and I think they're better than Illinois. But I'm a girl so what the hell do I know...)


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