Wednesday, January 26, 2005


Since I've got nothing else to write about, I'm going to share my opinions on a few things I think people should know...

1 - The Audiovox CDMA8600 phone bites the big one. I switched to Verizon Wireless so I could be "in" only because most of my friends had it too. In doing so, I had to let go of the Nokia I loved so dearly that I had with my AT&T Wireless plan (no problems with AT&T just not great reception in some areas where Verizon had awesome reception - e.g. most of the I-95 corridor south of NoVa) I LOVED my Nokia. I loved ALL the Nokia phones I had while I was an AT&T customer. I'm actually...sad that I don't have it anymore. And I curse Audiovox and Verizon every day that I have that phone because it blows. The keys aren't sensitive at all making text-messaging damn near impossible and extremely frustrating. My boyfriend has the same phone and he's had to have his replaced twice within the first year of having it. First it was because anyone he called couldn't hear him even though he could hear them. Then it was because he developed a dark black fuzzy spot in the middle of the screen that obscured everything. Now, I'M starting to have problems. I'll open my phone and the screen will, literally, split in half and the right half of the screen is now on the left and the left half is now on the right. Sometimes I'll open it up and push the volume button to adjust my ring volume and the screen goes all crazy. The display shifts and everything's all stretched and on an angle. It's ridiculous. I'd bring it in but I know from experience that if it's not showing the problem at the moment you bring it in, they'll tell you they don't know what's wrong with it and tell you to come back if it happens again...don't even get my started on their customer service. What a nightmare. And the closest store until a month ago was in Fairfax...a good half hour away.

Nokia kicks ass. I highly recommend their phones to anyone. Pretty much all of Verizon's phones suck.

Next up...why Earthlink blows.


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