Monday, August 16, 2004

Texas Hold'em

I have this problem...I'm addicted to playing Texas Hold'em online. This addiction is among many others, of course, but at the moment is the one causing me to waste the most of my time. I suspect that soon it will be these blogs that will take over my life but, fortunately, I never stick with anything for very long that doesn't intensely interest me so soon enough, this online card playing will be a thing of the past.

The sad thing about it is...I'm not good at it. In fact, I suck. I win a few major pots every once in awhile but eventually, all my money's money that is. I'd never play with real money. I'm way too smart for that. Gambling has never been my thing. I went to Vegas over spring break last year and spent about 30 bucks on the slots and that was it. I couldn't shake that feeling that each slot machine was "the one." I'd be walking down the strip and all of the hotels would have these slot machines conveniently located two steps off the sidewalk enticing passersby to drop in their quarters, pull the handle, lose, and keep on moving. Somehow I thought I'd be the one whose quarter would win that jackpot. Why, why, why?! I guess that's the psychology behind Vegas...although slot machines have a pretty high percentage of payouts so it's not really that unrealistic that I would win, right?

I need money. I make a decent hourly wage but since I don't work in the summers (yes, I'm a teacher) I kind of get screwed out of about 300 hours of work a year which translates to thousands and thousands of dollars. I'm all for year-round schools. I don't need my summers off because there's nothing to do in the summer!!!! Especially when everyone else is working. I mean, there's only so many episodes of TLC's Makeover Story, Dating Story, Wedding Story, Second Chance, Perfect Proposal, etc, that you can watch! And the pool? Booooring. I can't go in the water because the excessive amount of chlorine our incompetent and unnecessary lifeguard puts in irritates my contacts and lying on a lounge chair for two hours in an attempt to get a tan is an exercise in futility for me. I basically sweat and writhe around in discomfort all for naught. I am not a person who tans. My "tan" is a normal person's pale. It's ridiculously sad, I know, but it's the curse of the Irish. I'd like to be able to say "well, at least I won't get skin cancer" but I probably will so I can't even rub that in everyone's face.

Sadly enough, my plans today consist of losing more "money" playing internet texas hold'em and then going to the pool. When I can think of something more exciting to do (maybe I should go to the gym...) I will do it. Until then, I'll keep on with my boring existence till school starts...and then I'll come back and complain about how much I hate working...but who doesn't?